Monday 20 September 2010

Nao-Team HTWK at the "Mainzer Wissenschaftsgespräche"

The Nao-Team HTWK presents their talk "Mit evolutionären Algorithmen zum aufrechten Gang: Bipede Roboter im Praxistest" at the "Mainzer Wissenschaftsgespräche" on the 22. and 23. September as part of the German National Merit Foundations program.

The schedule can be found here.

Public TV appearance of the Nao-Team HTWK

Our Naos will appear in a German TV show?!  Yes they will! On Saturday we record the show in a town called "Gössnitz" for the TV station called "MDR" and a show called "Mach dich ran!" (no we won't translate this into English...). We will update the blog as soon as the show is aired. See our last blog post for the Nao training sessions ;-)

Hacked Wiimotes for Nao control

We've hacked the Wiimote driver for the Linux kernel in oder to control the Naos via Bluetooth. This is a very nice feature for doing testgames against our AI.

Three new team members

New team members joined our Nao-Team HTWK within the last two months. We are very happy to officially welcome three new Computer Science graduate students

Katja Zeissler
Sandra Unger
Christoph Vitz

to our team!