Monday, 11 October 2021

Living Lab ScaDS.AI Opening

 On 07th October 2021 the Living Lab of the ScaDS.AI opened and we were invited to be a guest exhibitor. The State Minister of Science, Culture and Tourism Sebastian Gemkow use his chance and get used to our Nao-Robots. We wish the ScaDS.AI much luck and maybe we are playing more together in the future.

Thanks to the public relations team of the ScaDS.AI Leipzig for providing the images.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 3

The Modell Hobby Spiel 2021 has ended and was a full success. Many people watched our Naos playing soccer and asked many questions about robots, the Standard Plattform League and us.

After the last visitors had left, we tried the other field sizes of our new tiling-filed.

Everything worked. We now can adjust the field-size properly to the venue. We are ready for more and hope to see you on the Modell Hobby Spiel 2022!

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 2

We started the second day at the Modell Hobby Spiel with fresh powers from our Team. So we were able to show four games to a very large crowd. In the mean time we let small and large children control the robot with a Swtich Controller. All had much fun.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 1

Today the Modell Hobby Spiel 2021 started at the Messe Leipzig. This is our first public event since the beginning of the Corona-Pandemic. Many kids and also adults had fun to watch and play with our Naos.

We tried our new flexible mobile field. We thank LÜCO Internationaler Messebau Ost GmbH for the construction and help. We now have nice sprayed and persistent field lines and can change the field to different sizes. Currently it's the SPL-Size. Come back on Sunday for images of the other sizes.

See you tomorrow.