Monday, 11 October 2021

Living Lab ScaDS.AI Opening

 On 07th October 2021 the Living Lab of the ScaDS.AI opened and we were invited to be a guest exhibitor. The State Minister of Science, Culture and Tourism Sebastian Gemkow use his chance and get used to our Nao-Robots. We wish the ScaDS.AI much luck and maybe we are playing more together in the future.

Thanks to the public relations team of the ScaDS.AI Leipzig for providing the images.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 3

The Modell Hobby Spiel 2021 has ended and was a full success. Many people watched our Naos playing soccer and asked many questions about robots, the Standard Plattform League and us.

After the last visitors had left, we tried the other field sizes of our new tiling-filed.

Everything worked. We now can adjust the field-size properly to the venue. We are ready for more and hope to see you on the Modell Hobby Spiel 2022!

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 2

We started the second day at the Modell Hobby Spiel with fresh powers from our Team. So we were able to show four games to a very large crowd. In the mean time we let small and large children control the robot with a Swtich Controller. All had much fun.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Modell Hobby Spiel - Day 1

Today the Modell Hobby Spiel 2021 started at the Messe Leipzig. This is our first public event since the beginning of the Corona-Pandemic. Many kids and also adults had fun to watch and play with our Naos.

We tried our new flexible mobile field. We thank LÜCO Internationaler Messebau Ost GmbH for the construction and help. We now have nice sprayed and persistent field lines and can change the field to different sizes. Currently it's the SPL-Size. Come back on Sunday for images of the other sizes.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

RoboCup is over, 3rd

The RoboCup 2021 is over. We won the finals of the 1vs1 challenge in a really close match with a score of 19.5:18 against B-human. We were a bit lucky, as B-human missed a few shots in the first half, causing them to miss out on a few points. We also had a minor issue, as our robot broke and had to be replaced. During this process we were without a player on the field. 

With this result, we finished 3rd in the RoboCup, as the results in the individual challenges are averaged for the final placement. B-human takes first place with Nao-Devils as runner-ups. Congratulations to the both of them from our side!

We are really happy with this results and look forward to future competitions.

1vs1 Finals!!

We are in the finals of the 1vs1 challenge! Thanks to our 1.5 multiplication factor based on the autonomous calibration we defeated SPQR Team with a score of 12:9. We are quite happy with our performance and look forward to the finals against B-human at 18:30 cest. Stream link

Robocup Final Day

Today is the last day of the RoboCup 2021 which concludes with the 1vs1 challenge. Our semifinal against SPQR team will start at 12:30 cest. We added some new features for this match and hope that everything works as intended. It will be streamed here: Stream semifinal.

Depending on the result we will either play for 3rd place at 18:00 cest, or in the finals 30 minutes later. Both streams will again be available on the official SPL channel: SPL channel

Saturday, 26 June 2021

More results

We advanced to the semifinals of the 1vs1 challenge, where we will face SPQR Team from Rome tomorrow. We managed to do so by defeating UT Austin Villa with a score of 13.5:2. The hosted arena provided a difficult challenge, as the field was hit with sunlight, making it harder for the robots to see. Luckily for us, our robot's vision was fine for most of the match.

The obstacle avoidance challenge was unfortunately plagued with hardware troubles. Even our best surviving robot has some issues, that caused him to fall down during our first attempts, leading to a huge increase in time needed to score a goal. The final standings will be determined tomorrow. In our last run, the bot managed to stay on it's feet, resulting in a time of 54 seconds until the scored goal.

Schedule Update

The schedule for today has been released. We will face UT Austin Villa in the quarterfinals of the 1vs1 challenge at 18:00 cest. Stream 1vs1.

Our session of the Obstacle Avoidance Challenge will begin at 19:00 cest. The challenge consists of a single robot who has to score a goal without touching 4 passive robots that are placed in front of it. Stream obstacle avoidance.

For those who also want to watch the challenges without our participation, all livestreams are provided on the official RoboCup SPL youtube channel: Link RoboCup SPL.

Friday, 25 June 2021


The other teams attempted their passing challenge yesterday evening. Overall we finished with a respectable 4th place. B-human are the winners with a score of 27, more than three times the points of the runner-ups Nao-Devils. 

Our last autonomous calibration challenge was this morning. We again had good results, deviating only 20-30cm from our target positions and recognizing the ball once with 10cm error and another time with 40cm. We want to thank all the teams that hosted us and are quite happy with the smooth course of events.

For the remainder of the day we will prepare for the obstacle avoidance challenge as well as for the quarterfinal of the 1vs1 challenge. Both will be happening tomorrow. The exact schedule is yet to be determined.

Thursday, 24 June 2021


We had a nice visit from our main sponsor Relaxdays, who joined us for lunch and to watch our challenge match. During a live presentation of our challenge setup we were also joined by a school class with a bunch of enthusiastic kids. Overall we had a great time so far.

1vs1 Challenge

We won our first 1vs1 match against Berlin United with a score of 15:10. The difference is this big, because scores of teams that use autonomous calibration are multiplied by a factor of 1.5. This gained us the additional 5 points over Berlin. We are quite happy with the result and will prepare for the second match of the day at 20:00 cest. The match will be streamed here: Stream

Robocup Day 3

Today the 1vs1 challenge commences. For this challenge each team plays with a single robot, which scores a point whenever it manages to kick the ball into the opposing side of the field without the ball being intercepted. If a goal is scored, the ball will be returned to the scoring side. There will be 4 balls on the field to give the teams a way to come up with a good strategy.

Our first match will be played at 11:30 cest in Bremen where we face Berlin United. The livestream can be watched here: Stream

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Robocup Day 2

We started the 2nd day by continuing the Autonomous Calibration Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to have a robot automatically adapt to a being on a randomly selected field. This is being measured by having the robot announce the positions of two balls on the field and by walking to fixed locations.

Yesterday evening we had some problems, resulting in us missing our goals. This morning things went better with good scoring metrics. Tomorrow there will be a third attempt in another different arena.

For the remainder of the evening, we will be hosting one match in the 1v1 challenge. You can watch it here: Stream

Our match will be tomorrow at 11:30 cest against Berlin United – NaoTH.


Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Passing Challenge

We are happy to be back in action! The day started with a passing challenge. The challenge consists of two robots passing the ball to each other with another two robots acting as passive obstacles. Each team has three runs with only the most successful run being counted. We encountered some difficulties in our first two tries and scored only two points. Luckily our last run was more successful with us scoring 4 points. Result page



Our next challenge today at 18:00 cest will be the autonomous calibration challenge. We will be hosted by the Nao-Devils Dortmund. Their stream can be found here: Livestream Nao Devils

Robocup 2021

The Robocup 2021 has started. This year the event will be decentralized with each participating team providing a field for challenges. Due to this format, the event consists of 4 individual challenges instead of the usual matches. 

The rules and schedule can be found here:

We are providing a livestream for the event:  Stream

Sunday, 9 May 2021

German Open Replacement Event 2021

Heute ging das German Open Replacement Event (GORE) zu Ende. Es war der erste Wettbewerb seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie. Drei Spiele liegen hinter uns und wir belegen nun insgesamt den zweiten Platz. Wir konnten unser Auftaktspiel nach einem knappen Rückstand von 1:2 in der ersten Halbzeit noch mit einem glücklichen 4:2 gegen die NaoDevils aus Dortmund gewinnen. In unserem zweitem Spiel gegen die diesmal besonders starken Bremer B-Human zeigten sich jedoch leider die Schwierigkeiten, die das remote Event mit sich brachte. Da wir uns vorher weder mit dem Spielfeld noch mit dem Robotern vorort vertraut machen konnten, verloren wir 0:8. Doch wir haben der Challenge angenommen und konnten schließlich im letzten Spiel gleich 10:0 (Abbruch durch Mercy-Rule) gegen die Newcomer R-ZWEI-KICKERS aus Kaiserslautern siegen.

Insgesamt war es ein schönes Gefühl, wieder die anderem Teams zu treffen, wenn auch nur virtuell. Wir sind auf viele neue Aufgaben gestoßen, die wir jetzt bis zur remote RoboCup WM Ende Juni in Angriff nehmen werden. Es darf schon mal verraten werden, dass wir hier in Leipzig einer von insgesamt elf Ausrichtern der weltweiten WM sein werden. Durch die Hilfe der HTWK Leipzig werden wir eine den Corona-Restriktionen entsprechende Arena haben.

Besonderer Dank gilt unserem Hauptsponsor Relaxdays. Durch die Kooperation waren und sind wir in der Lage, trotz der noch aktuellen Umstände uns auf die Wettbewerbe vorzubereiten. Wir möchten vor allem den NaoDevils und dem Team B-Human danken, die diesen Wettbewerb ausgetragen haben. Zum Schluss möchten wir noch Tina Seemann (Inspinity) und Jacqueline Schreiber von der Schlüpferschmiede danken, die dafür gesorgt haben, dass wir für den Wettbewerb zwei volle Sets Roboter-Jerseys haben.

Videos vom Wettbewerb: YouTube

Sunday, 21 March 2021

remote RoDEO 2021

English version below.

Seit Beginn der Corona-Krise vor einem Jahr hatten wir kein Spiel mehr. Heute endete die RoDEO 2021 in Dortmund. Das Remote-Event ermöglichte uns, trotz der aktuellen Gesundheitsmaßnahmen wieder gegen zwei befreundete Teams zu spielen. Das erste Spiel gegen die Gastgeber, die Nao Devils von der TU Dortmund konnten wir knapp mit 1:0 gewinnen. Nur knapp eine Stunde später stellten wir uns in einer Neuauflage des RoboCup-Finals von 2019 dem amtierenden Weltmeister B-Human und konnten diesen trotz schwieriger Lichtverhältnisse 2:0 schlagen. Es waren unsere ersten beiden Remote-Spiele und wir waren sehr glücklich, dass gleich alles so gut geklappt hat.

Das alles wäre aber nicht möglich gewesen, wenn wir keine tatkräftige Unterstützung gehabt hätten. Ganz besonderer Dank gilt unserem Hauptsponsor Relaxdays ohne den wir nicht an diesem Event hätten teilnehmen können. Durch den Zukauf von Robotern konnten wir fünf Spieler nach Dortmund entsenden und hatten immer noch weitere Roboter in Leipzig zur Verfügung um alles im Vorhinein zu testen. Dann danken wir Tina Seemann für das außerordentlich schnelle Nachdrucken unserer Roboter-Jerseys.

Am meisten danken wir den Nao Devils Dortmund, die das Event trotz der aktuellen Krise möglich gemacht haben. Great Job!

Wir schauen nun in Richtung Mai, in dem der erste Remote-Wettbewerb stattfinden soll.

We haven't had a game since the Corona crisis began a year ago. Today, RoDEO 2021 ended in Dortmund. The remote event allowed us to play against two friendly teams again, despite the current health situation. The first game against the hosts, the Nao Devils from TU Dortmund, we were able to win narrowly with 1:0. Just under an hour later, we faced the reigning world champion B-Human in a rematch of the 2019 RoboCup finals, this time beating them 2-0 despite difficult lighting conditions. These were our first two remote games and we were very happy that everything worked out so well right away.

But all this would not have been possible without a lot of support. Special thanks go to our main sponsor Relaxdays without whom we would not have been able to participate in this event. By recenty buying additional robots we were able to send five players to Dortmund and still had robots available in Leipzig to test everything in advance. Then we thank Tina Seemann for the extraordinarily fast reprinting of our robot jerseys.

Most of all we thank the NaoDevils Dortmund who made the event possible despite the current crisis. Great Job!

We are now looking towards May, when the first remote competition is scheduled to take place.