Sunday, 26 April 2015


Once again we reached the finals of the German Open, trying to dethrone B-Human for the third time in 3 years now. The semi-finals against Nao-Devils from Dortmund started with a blast, as our midfielder passed the ball to the striker, who then proceeded to kick it into the goal. This took only 29 seconds, a new record for us.
The first half was completely one-sided overall, ending with a 5:0 score in our favor. However, due to different rules for playoff games the playtime is a bit longer.

For 2nd half we made some changes in our strategy. In theory it shouldn't have changed a lot for this game, we encountered a serious problem. Immediately after kickoff our striker decided to switch sides which caused the other robots to mostly do nothing of relevance. It took us over 5 minutes to score again. Nonetheless, we are more than happy with the outcome, as we didn't expect anything close to our 7:0 victory.

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